The Gospel According To Romans
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In the year A.D. 57, a man named Paul wrote a letter to the Christian believers in Rome. In this letter, Paul gave one of the clearest understandings ever written on the subject of the gospel of grace.

No matter what church you attend I'm sure you have heard the all familiar term "The Gospel." But what is it? We've all been told to go preach the gospel to every creature, but how can we, unless it is clearly understood?

In Paul's letter to the Romans the gospel is clearly defined.

The story that unfolds in Romans can be likened unto a large court room drama. Sitting on the bench as Judge is Almighty God. Those on trial are the whole of humanity (mankind). And the prosecutor or district attorney is the apostle Paul. He has just charged all of mankind with breaking God's law, the Jews with God's written law and the Gentiles with breaking the moral laws of their con-science. The verdict is about to be read. God will find all men "guilty". All are guilty of a lawless attitude toward Him, impurity in thought, and missing the mark or standard of His perfection.

Have you thought to yourself? "I am basically a good person and I should be able to enter God's heaven." When God says, "There is none righteous, no, not one." (Romans 3:10) Doesn't this include you and me?

God says "All have turned aside, together they have become useless; there is none who does good, there is not even one." (Romans 3:12)

Would you argue this point on the Day that He Judges the secrets of all people?

This will take place on the day when God judges people's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares. (Romans 2:16)

If we visited a penitentiary and while there we met a murderer, a robber or someone who committed tax evasion, would there be a difference in these men? Yes, but in the eyes of the law there is no distinction. Why? For all are guilty of breaking the law. The Bible says that whoever keeps God's law and yet breaks one commandment is guilty of breaking His law. How many lies does it take to become a liar? How many times does it take lusting after a woman to make one an adulterer in his heart? You cannot say you are basically good, when God says there is none good not even one. (Romans 3:23) Please take time to read the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20) The apostle Paul said, "I had not known sin, but by the law." (Romans 7:7) No one has met the standard perfectly that God's law demands. (Romans 3:20)

My dear friend, don't you see that you need a Savior and forgiveness for your sins?

You are now in for a big surprise in the eternal law court of God. Just at the time when God begins to read His verdict that we are guilty, an unexpected character enters the court room. It is a substitute that is willing to pay the fine for mankind's guilt. His name is Jesus Christ and He has paid your fine in full. The wages of your sin is eternal death. (...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,... Romans 3:23) Do you want the wages of your sin or do you want the mercy and grace that is offered to you by Jesus Christ?

The gift that God now offers you is acquittal in the eternal law court of God. In the Bible it is called being justified or declared right before God, because Jesus has paid the wages of your sins. The Bible says, "Since Christ's blood has made us right with God, even more we will be saved from God's punishment through Christ." Do you want this acquittal? Do you want this pardon? The value of a pardon depends upon its acceptance by the person to whom it is offered.

Jesus took your sins and offers you His own righteousness for your acceptance before God. (God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21) Will you receive His gift? Tell Jesus today that you will trust Him as your Savior and follow Him as your Lord. ("For WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13) Are you a WHOSOEVER? Then call on Him ... He's waiting to hear from you.

If we can help you, please contact us.

(Tract No. 31 by Don Krow)