34 Discipleship Lessons
These 34 Discipleship Evangelism Bible Study Lessons were developed so that anyone, anywhere in the world could disciple someone in the truths of the Christian faith. This is one of the most simple tools to disciple that I have ever seen. It will work in a prison (where no one is present to disciple another), it will work in discipling on-on-one, it will work in small groups, or congregations. It is so simple that all that is required is the ability to read.

Each lesson contains a short story (most are true stories) that may be read out loud, then just ask the person you are discipling the questions that follow. A discipleship answer key is provided to assure yourself of the answers to those questions. We are taking this discipleship tool to the third world nations as well as to the prison systems in the United States.

These are very helpful discipleship tools. Permission is granted to duplicate or reproduce these lessons for discipleship purposes on the condition that they are distributed free of charge.