Revelation Revealed (audio teaching with accompanying notes)
What You Have Seen (Revelation 1:1‑3)
The opening words, The revelation of Jesus Christ, indicate the subject of the entire book. The word "revelation" is a translation of the Greek apokalypsis, meaning "an unveiling" or "a disclosure." The phrase revelation of Jesus Christ can mean (1) by or from Jesus Christ, (2) about Jesus Christ or (3) both. The revelation was given to John to communicate to others, His servants, and it prophesies what must soon take place.
Accompanying Notes:
Greeting and Doxology (Revelation 1:4-8)
This greeting - like Paul's salutations in his epistles and the salutation of John himself in 2 John - specifies the book's destination. The recipients of this message were the seven churches in the Roman province of Asia in Asia Minor (Rev 1:11; chaps. 2 and 3). The salutation describes the One Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come.
Accompanying Notes:
The Patmos Vision of Christ Glorified (Revelation 1:9-20)
Hearing the voice behind him, John see the voice. This is what the Greek text says, but it is clear that the meaning is "to see the person" or "to see who was speaking to me." Among the lamp stands (the seven churches) John saw Someone "like a Son of Man," (someone with a human appearance) an expression used in Dan 7:13 to refer to the glorified Christ.
Accompanying Notes:
The Letter to the Church in Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11)
Christ described Himself as the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. Christ is portrayed as the eternal One who suffered death at the hands of His persecutors and then was resurrected from the grave. These aspects of Christ were especially relevant to the Christians at Smyrna who, like Christ in His death, were experiencing severe persecution. While the Christians of the church at Smyrna were experiencing the bitterness of suffering, their faithful testimony was like myrrh or sweet perfume to God.
Accompanying Notes:
The Letter to the Church in Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17)
Christ recognized the difficulty of their situation. They lived where Satan has his throne. Some Christians at Pergamos had been true to God under severe testing but others had compromised.
Accompanying Notes:
The Letter to the Church in Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)
Though much was wrong in the church at Thyatira, believers there were commended for their, and perseverance. But despite these evidences of Christian life and testimony, the church at Thyatira had serious problems.
Accompanying Notes:
The Letter to the Church in Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6)
The only word of approval is in actuality a word of rebuke as Christ declared that they had a reputation for being alive and apparently were regarded by their contemporaries as a very alive and effective church. Christ quickly stripped away their reputation of being alive by declaring, you are dead. Like the Pharisees, their outer appearance was a facade hiding their lack of life (cf. Matt 23:27-28).
Accompanying Notes:
The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7‑13)
There is no word of rebuke for the Philadelphia church, though Christ said, I know that you have little strength. These words, however, become a basis for Christ praise that you have kept My word and have not denied My name. Despite their lack of strength, the Philadelphia Christians have been faithful to Christ, They have followed His teachings, they have obeyed His commands, they have been faithful to His message, they have been obedient to His instructions and have not denied His Name.
Accompanying Notes:
The Letter to the Church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22)
No word of praise was extended to the Laodicean church. They were pictured as utterly abhorrent to Christ because they were lukewarm. This was addressed to the church and also to the messenger or the pastor. In referring to the church as "lukewarm" Christ had in mind that this was its permanent situation. There is nothing more disgusting than a halfhearted, in-name-only Christian.
Accompanying Notes:
The Vision of the Heavenly Throne (Revelation 4)
No word of praise was extended to the Laodicean church. They were pictured as utterly abhorrent to Christ because they were lukewarm. This was addressed to the church and also to the messenger or the pastor. In referring to the church as "lukewarm" Christ had in mind that this was its permanent situation. There is nothing more disgusting than a halfhearted, in-name-only Christian.
Accompanying Notes:
The Seven-Sealed Scroll (Revelation 5)
The scene continues from the last chapter. God is seated on his throne and holds in his right hand a sealed scroll. John then sees a lamb that goes and takes the scroll from God. This is an event that provokes praise and worship from the four living creatures, the twenty-four elders, countless millions of angelic beings, and all living creatures in the universe.
Accompanying Notes:
The Six Seals of Revelation 6 (Revelation 6)
Does the church go through the Tribulation? What are Jesus' words for the church today? A comparison is given between Revelation 6 (the seals of God's wrath) and Matthew 24. This is an exhortation for all of us.
Accompanying Notes:
Those Saved in Tribulation (Revelation 7)
The question was raised in Rev. 6:17 whether any would be saved when the great Day of God's wrath has come. This is answered in Revelation chapter 7. Two classes or groups of the saved are now mentioned:
  1. the servants of God numbering 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel (Rev. 7:1-8), and
  2. those of all nations who, though saved spiritually, are martyred (Rev. 7:9-17).
Chapter 7 is a parenthesis between the sixth and seventh seals (Rev. 8:1), revealing those who are faithful to Christ during this tribulation time.
Accompanying Notes:
The Opening of the Seventh Seal Introduces the Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8)
The opening of the seventh seal is a most important event, confirmed by the fact that there was silence in heaven for about half an hour after it was opened. The contents of the seven trumpets are different from the seven seals. The seventh seal is important because it actually includes all the events from Rev. 8:1 through Rev. 19:10.
Accompanying Notes:
The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets (Revelation 9)
The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. Satan or this demonic angel was given a key to the shaft of the Abyss or the bottomless pit. The Abyss or bottomless pit is a place in the depths of the earth where evil spirits were thought to be imprisoned (Luke 8:31). Satan then is pictured as opening the lid or the door (that can be closed or locked) to this Abyss, so that demons can be released to inflict men and women on the earth.
Accompanying Notes:
The Mighty Angel and the Little Scroll (Revelation 10)
This angel is pictured as robed in a cloud, having a rainbow above his head, his face brilliant with glory like the sun, and with his legs... like fiery pillars. John added that the angel held a little scroll and stood with his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land. At the same time he shouted like the roar of a lion. The scene is certainly one to inspire awe, and when this angel shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. John was forbidden to record what the seven thunders said. Someone in heaven said, "Don't write what you heard; do not reveal or tell it." While Revelation is primarily designed to reveal and not to conceal God's purpose and future events, some revelation was kept hidden as illustrated by God's prohibiting John to write what "the voices" of the seven thunders said.
Accompanying Notes:
The Two Witnesses (Revelation 11)
An amazing variation of interpretations of this portion of Scripture have been offered. Some say this chapter is one of the most difficult in the whole book of Revelation. The best guideline to follow in interpreting this section is to take each fact literally. In line with this principle there will be a literal temple. The city should be considered the literal city Jerusalem. The time periods of 42 months (v. 2) and three and one-half days (vv. 9,11) again should be considered literally. The earthquake will kill literally 7,000 individuals, and the two witnesses should be considered as two individual men.
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